Teacher, leave them kids alone
"We know that in September, we will wander through the warm winds of summer's wreckage. We will welcome summer's ghost." - Henry Rollins
Guess what time it is?
I would have also accepted “Time to get ill” or “The time of our lives”.
Yep… school started on Monday. I think its’ pretty early too, but then again these folks close school for a week when it snows like a 1/4”. Seriously. They did it like three times last year. I think the teachers just hate their jobs and want the time off.
But anyway….
The days are getting just a little shorter, and when the humidity is down it’s almost chilly in the mornings. The end of the summer is coming. We can almost see it. We have been busy around here putting up for the winter.
Cherries, and the first batch of tomatoes this week. There will be more. I think it was 11 pints of cherries and 11 quarts of tomatoes out of the garden. I have enough cucumbers out of the garden that I might just ferment me up some pickles tomorrow. Prolly should do some sauerkraut up too. Yes, we know the kitchen sucks. It’s on the list. The wife made some bread. She’s actually pretty good at it. We are talking about making all of our own bread again. Like 1 day a week, and we would be good. You should see the pizza I made on Sunday. Yep, we are all home-steady and shit.
The wife has now identified another type of edible tree on the property. Apparently we have wild plums.
So now we have wild plums and bitter nut hickory. We may also have English walnuts. That’s in addition to the apples, pears, cherries, and olives we have put in this year.
Here’s some FarmDog© for you all. She’s always worth a few clicks.
We’re cutting an album this winter.
So… while the kids were languishing in the local educational gulag yesterday I decided to take off work a little early and take the wife out on a bike ride. The weather has been really nice for the last couple of days and I said to myself “self”……‘cause that’s me….. “we should go out and spend the day doing stuff, besides we ain’t got no kids right now”. So we did.
We rolled up to Ava and hit up the Ranger Station for the Mark Twain National Forest looking for some maps. Holy lack of standards, Batman! Back when I worked for the Forest Service, we wore uniforms and nametags. We also didn’t try to not give out the “free to literally anybody who asks” vehicle use maps. So the chick who was in the office - I assume she worked there -I don’t know what her name was was trying so hard to get me to scan a QR code to the website where I can PAY FOR THE EXACT SAME MAP.
You would think that a National Forest…..you know…. a place without reliable cell coverage and a serious lack of charging stations would be a really bad spot for electric cellphone mappie things as a primary source of navigation, but what do I know? Its not like I spent years in the forest working or anything.
So….we finally get out on the FS roads and had a good time. We made lunch on the trail, and ended up getting home about 20 minutes after the kids.
Isn’t that just nifty? I think so.
So we got home and ended up going out to the river last night for dinner. It was quite a long day.
Well that is about it this week. soon enough it will be too chilly to swim. It doesn’t seem that way now, but it will be here soon enough. Until next week, here is the salty meme of the week. Enjoy.